Respekt, Integrität und Verantwortung – das sind Werte, die wir im täglichen Miteinander im Unternehmen leben und als Teil unserer Unternehmenskultur verstehen. Für unsere Mitarbeitenden sowie für unsere Kund:innen und Partner:innen. Daher stellen wir mit einem Compliance Management-System und unterschiedlichen Compliance-Maßnahmen sicher, dass gesetzliche Bestimmungen, interne Richtlinien und ethische Standards erfüllt werden. So schützen wir uns, unsere Kund:innen und Partner:innen vor Risiken. Denn rechtmäßiges Handeln und fairer Wettbewerb sind die Basis für einen nachhaltigen Erfolg.
Our compliance measures
The Code of Conduct for Employees provides you with the necessary basic rules, norms, and behaviors of the Haufe Group.
Business partners find all the important ethical, ecological, and social standards summarized in our Code of Conduct. Not only do these standards represent a yardstick for our company’s sustainable and profitable growth, but they also characterize the way we deal responsibly with each other and the environment.
Latest Code of Conduct
Since February 2023
Previous versions
until February 2023
We want to empower our employees to do the right thing every day. They are therefore not only informed about current compliance-related topics at Haufe Group, but they also participate in regular training and blended learning programs on how to follow compliance rules. By creating day-to-day awareness of personal responsibility and of the necessity to observe compliance regulations, we thereby effectively minimize the risk of compliance violations.
We do everything we can to avoid wrongdoing and compliance violations. Should, inspite of this, a compliance violation be anticipated, or should uncertainty exist, an anonymous whistleblower system is available to our employees and third parties. We thus play a part in preventing and averting compliance incidents and potential damage as early as possible. As well as the whistleblower system, employees and external staff can contact the Compliance Team at Haufe Group directly.
Contact Compliance Team
Do you have any questions about compliance or do you suspect a compliance violation or the risk of one? Then simply send an e-mail to
Norbert Böhler (group compliance manager) is always available to answer any questions or provide information about compliance and the compliance management system at Haufe Group.

Norbert Böhler
Essentially, a compliance management system (CMS) comprises the regulations, processes and measures that a company defines to ensure conformity with laws, standards and company-specific rules. We are guided by the CMS reference definitions in ISO 19600:2014 and IDW PS 980.
Haufe Group’s compliance management system has three core principles: prevent, detect, and react. Our measures include guidelines and procedures, assessment and reduction of compliance risks, training and communication, advice and support, integration of compliance into operational processes, documentation and monitoring, and compliance auditing and investigation.
Our compliance management system encompasses covers six areas: ethics, labor law, anti-corruption, antitrust legislation, contracts, data protection and IT security.
The Legal + Compliance department at Haufe Group is an executive department and thus reports directly to the board. For data protection and IT security, the company relies on cross-departmental cooperation.
The compliance system supports the company, its employees and business partners with processes and methods that aim to safeguard legal compliance and integrity when conducting business. Haufe Group introduced its own voluntary compliance standards, being a pioneer among standards medium-sized companies.
For us and for others:
Haufe Compliance College
We want to empower people in companies to be successful – including in observing compliance regulations. And we create solutions to do this: Learn all about Haufe Compliance College, the integrated digital solution for compliance training from Haufe Akademie.