Working for Haufe Akademie within Haufe Group

Haufe Akademie is part of Haufe Group - as a group of companies, we combine expertise in the areas of content, software and training. While the Haufe Akademie addresses customers with its forward-looking training portfolio, Haufe Group as an employer brand ensures that the right talent is found for the teams.

Haufe Akademie is part of Haufe Group - as a group of companies, we combine expertise in the areas of content, software and training. While the Haufe Akademie addresses customers with its forward-looking training portfolio, Haufe Group as an employer brand ensures that the right talent is found for the teams.

Are you looking for a versatile career?

Then you've come to the right place! We offer you a wide range of exciting roles and areas of work in which you can contribute your talents and skills and develop your full potential. Apply today and help us shape the working world of tomorrow.

Technology & Development

Young Talents

People & Organization

Product Management

Facts and figures about Haufe Akademie

Growth for over 40 years

in 1978 there were only five employees, today there are more than 700. 68 colleagues are managers in addition to the management, 58% of whom are women.

People from 47 nations

develop together and form a strong, inspiring community. This cultural diversity enriches working life.

Over 2,500 experts

are active as trainers and coaches - both in Germany and worldwide.

Over 2,500 topics

are covered by the current learning offer for customers. Last year, 350 new offers, 175 e-learning courses and 2,000 microcontents were added.

Over 600,000 learners

developed their skills in 17,500 training sessions last year - in person, live online and digitally.

How we work at Haufe Akademie

Diverse, flexible and interconnected.

Clear vision and mission
Strong portfolio
New possibilities

Clear vision and mission

Knowing what you want and where you want to go.

In a highly dynamic working world, Haufe Akademie facilitates the development of people and organizations. It provides orientation, offers coherent learning and development opportunities and strengthens self-efficacy. For a world in which people and companies can develop their potential. This is how we can achieve great things together.

Strong portfolio

Successful, holistic and sustainable.

Haufe Akademie's comprehensive range is constantly being expanded and takes new, relevant trends into account. From individual offers for employees to customized corporate solutions - the portfolio offers a wide range of topics, innovative technologies, didactic expertise and comprehensive support. For optimal qualification and networking within organizations.offers a wide range of topics, innovative technologies, didactic expertise and comprehensive support. For optimal qualification and networking within organizations.


Networked throughout Germany.

In Freiburg, Frankfurt or from home: Around 600 employees work on the campus in Freiburg and more than 100 work from home throughout Germany or at our location in Frankfurt am Main. Networking and exchange across departmental boundaries are important - especially because our colleagues work in a wide variety of job profiles in more than 20 areas.

New possibilities

Room for your passion.

Would you like to get fully involved in your role and function? You can do this at Haufe Akademie - both in your job and outside the line: in "Strategic Initiatives", you work in an agile way in interdisciplinary projects to develop solutions for tomorrow.

Strong brands under one roof.

Whether across the Haufe Group or at one of our brands - you will find a wide range of opportunities to develop your talents with us.
Haufe Akademie
Haufe X360