Foundation of Haufe Group Ventures GmbH


With Haufe Group Ventures GmbH, founded on 01 June 2023, Haufe Group is expanding its activities in the innovation and startup sector and thus strengthening its position as a relevant corporate services provider. At the start, Managing Director Jasper Roll announces two promising investments.

With Haufe Group Ventures GmbH, Haufe Group SE is increasingly investing in innovative companies with growth potential. The focus is on investments in startups that address relevant, promising corporate services topics with their solutions in the B2B context and in the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) sector. Onthe basis of minority investments in the pre-seed and seed phase, the HaufeGroup promotes the innovative strength of the young companies and supports themin successfully finding their place in the market.

Starting shot with first investments in nuwo and Hivebuy

With nuwo and Hivebuy, Haufe Group Ventures GmbH announces its first investments.The home-office-as-a-service startup nuwo offers office furniture on a leasing basis. The intelligent purchasing software Hivebuy helps to organize orders and make expenditures more transparent. The two companies thus exemplify the Haufe Group's goal: to offer solutions for companies that make business processes more efficient and sustainably more successful.

Haufe Group Ventures as a strong partner for startups

"There are numerous promising startups in the corporate services sector whose offered solutions are exciting for our target groups. That's why we want to support precisely these companies with our investment activities, grow with them,develop synergies and shape the future together," explains Birte Hackenjos, CEO of Haufe Group. Jasper Roll, Managing Director of Haufe Group Ventures GmbH, adds: "With targeted investments, we contribute to realizing Haufe Group's vision of a sustainable and forward-looking corporate world. Through years of experience in the startup sector, I know the issues and concerns of founders very well and look forward to supporting teams with compelling ideas."

For more information on Haufe Group Ventures GmbH, please click here.

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Felizia Merten
Kerstin Schreck
Kerstin Boschütz