Haufe Group continues to grow


Haufe Group successfully concludes financial year 2020/21 - Increasing investments in digital business models

The Haufe Group has successfully concluded its 2020/21 financial year. The audited annual financial statements show revenues of EUR 377 million. Mainly due to the sale of Haufe Discovery in Leipzig, revenues decreased slightly by about four percent compared to the previous year (2019/20: EUR 393 million).

The main drivers of the good entrepreneurial development in the second year of the Corona crisis were primarily cloud-based solutions, but also the development of learning and further education offerings. Haufe Akademie proved its digital pioneering role, as in addition to the gradual return to on-site events, live online and hybrid formats in particular were made available quickly.

"Our established business models remain stable and successful. This solid foundation enables us to invest in new initiatives in a targeted manner and, in particular, to continuously expand our digital business," says Birte Hackenjos, CEO of the Haufe Group, adding: "I expect that the positive trend we see in both our existing business and innovation projects will continue in this financial year and that we will be able to realise further potential for profitable growth and entrepreneurial success."

The Haufe Group includes strong product brands such as Haufe Akademie, Lexware, Smartsteuer, Schäffer-Poeschel and Semigator. The group of companies currently employs around 2,100 people at 21 locations in Germany and abroad.

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Felizia Merten
Kerstin Schreck
Kerstin Boschütz