Haufe Group team wins Freiburg Hackathon 2021


"FreiburgArt" enables its users to navigate to artworks in their vicinity, retrieve information and 3D representations, and post ratings. In this way, the numerous works of art in public space are not only made visible and tangible, but also accessible.

"An excellent implementation of digital possibilities in the art and culture sector, which not only makes a great first impression visually, but also technically," the jurors found. The team now has the chance to further develop its prototype in the Sandbox Accelerator. This is a four-month accelerator program for business ideas from the media, design and software sectors in Stuttgart.

As part of the BZ Media Award, the Haufe Group team and their app "FreiburgArt" will also be presented in more detail in the Badische Zeitung.

The Hackathon Freiburg took place for the seventh time this year. The collaborative team event is a competition of different disciplines, where special thematic challenges have to be mastered with innovative ideas. This year, the focus was on the field of art & culture.

More information about the project and the Freiburg Hackathon 2021:

FreiburgArt | Devpost as well as on YouTube Freiburg Art - Hackathon 2021Kunst und Kultur - YouTube and HERE.

Press release as PDF
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Felizia Merten
Kerstin Schreck
Kerstin Boschütz