Rudolf Haufe Prize: Excellent research and forward-looking science honoured once again


Since 2002, the Haufe Group has been awarding the Young Researcher Award for outstanding academic work in tax and business law at the University of Freiburg. This year, the award goes to Dr Julian Rapp.

This year, the prize of 5,000 EUR went to Dr Julian Rapp for his habilitation thesis "Revision, Kassation, Final Appeal - Ultimate Civil Proceedings between Individual Legal Protection and Legal Development". The award ceremony took place on 18 October 2023 as part of the ceremonial opening of the academic year at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg in the Paulussaal.  

In his work, Dr. Rapp not only dealt with the basic structures of civil procedural revision proceedings from a comparative law perspective, but also examined how judicial decisions are controlled by higher instances, corrected if necessary, and what differences exist in this regard between German, French, English and US law. In addition, he also devoted his work to procedural challenges against the background of strategic litigation and mass proceedings.  

With his habiliation at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Dr Rapp, who also studied and obtained his doctorate in Freiburg, was awarded the authorisation to teach the subjects Civil Law, Civil Procedure Law, Insurance Law, European Private and Procedural Law and Comparative Law. He is one of a small group of outstanding legal scholars in Germany and is therefore a worthy recipient of the Rudolf Haufe Prize 2023.  

Since 2002, the Haufe Group at the University of Freiburg has been awarding the Young Researcher Award for outstanding academic work in tax and business law. Excellent academic papers from the law and economics faculties of the University of Freiburg can be nominated for this prize. A board of trustees consisting of a representative of the rector, the two deans of the faculties and a representative of the Haufe Group selects the prize winner from the submitted papers. Miron Schneckenberger was involved again this year on behalf of the Haufe Group. The lawyer heads the Real Estate and Law team in the editorial department and is himself an alumnus of the University of Freiburg.

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Felizia Merten
Kerstin Schreck
Kerstin Boschütz