Shaping the future - Haufe Group at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022


The Haufe Group, one of the leading providers in the field of software solutions, content and learning, is once again represented at the Frankfurt Book Fair this year and invites trade visitors and interested visitors alike to come and meet and be inspired.

In addition to the question of how content will develop in the future, the aim is to provide a platform for trend topics and to stimulate exchange there.  

An extensive stage programme with prominent speakers will highlight the economically central topics of sustainability, diversity, the working world of the future and innovation and will focus on encounters - also from different perspectives.  

Among others, the publisher of "#Ecosystem Innovation" and SAP executive Deepa Gautam-Nigge will discuss innovation culture in Germany with author Wolf Lotter, consultant Lysander Weiß and clean tech advocate Marius Almstedt. Carsten Schermuly, Professor of Research and Transfer, presents the future of the working world and his book "New Work Utopia" and Viv Groskop (author of "How to own the room") sheds light on the topic of diversity together with entrepreneur Tijen Onaran. Andrea Nahles, new chairwoman of the Federal Employment Agency, will give a keynote speech on "The transformation of the labour market and the role of the Employment Agency".  

Other speakers include brand consultant Hans-Christian Schwingen, author Fabian Walter ("Steuerfabi"), founder Anastasia Barner, Youtuber and author Valentina Vapaux ("Generation Z") and many more.  

"The dynamics of social and economic change continue to increase. The Frankfurt Book Fair is an ideal place for us to discuss the opportunities and challenges for the industry in particular and the economy in general," says Haufe Group CEO Birte Hackenjos.  

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Felizia Merten
Kerstin Schreck
Kerstin Boschütz