Haufe Group honors PhD student with the Rudolf Haufe Young Academics Award


The Rudolf Haufe Prize for Young Academics was awardedfor the 18th time this Wednesday. The prize was awarded to an outstandingdoctoral thesis from the Faculty of Law at the University of Freiburg.

The Rudolf Haufe Prize for Young Academics was awarded for the 18th time this Wednesday. The prize was awarded to an outstanding doctoral thesis from the Faculty of Law at the University of Freiburg.

This year's Rudolf Haufe Young Academics Award went to Dr.Marlene Voigt. She was honored for her dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Law on the topic of "Consent under data protection law - The conflict between informational self-determination and the economic exploitation of personal data". The doctoral thesis was awarded "summa cum laude". It was praised for its topicality, exceptional practical relevance and high academic quality. The young lawyer thus fulfilled the requirements of the Board of Trustees to an exceptional degree and received the Young Talent Award, which is endowed with 5,000 euros.

The award ceremony, originally scheduled to take place at the opening of the academic year, had to be cancelled due to the coronavirus. Dr. Voigt accepted the award in person at the Haufe Group Campus.  

About the Rudolf Haufe Young Academics Award

In the spirit of its founder, Rudolf Haufe, Haufe Group has been honoring outstanding academic work with particular practical relevance and reference to tax and business law since 2002. Doctoral theses from the lawand economics faculties of the Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg can be nominated for the award. A committee consisting of the rector's representative, the two deans of the faculties and a representative of Haufe Group selects the winner from the submitted dissertations.

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Felizia Merten
Kerstin Schreck
Kerstin Boschütz