In cooperation with the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, the Haufe Group awards the Rudolf-Haufe-Nachwuchsförderpreis (Rudolf Haufe Young Talent Award) and honors the programming competition of the project FUTURE
At the opening of the academic year at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg on October 20, 2021, the young talent award Rudolf-Haufe was awarded for the 19th time. This year, two doctoral students share the prize: Dr. Philipp Pordzik and Dr. Fabian Peters were honored for their achievements during the ceremony in Freiburg's Paulussaal.
In his dissertation "Transsubjective Tort Liability for Human Rights Violations" (Faculty of Law, Prof. Lieder), award winner Dr. Philipp Pordzik addresses a highly topical issue with particular practical relevance: tortious corporate liability based on human rights violations along global value chains. The public debate about this is vehement.
In his dissertation "Kirchenmitgliedschaft und Kirchensteuer - Sieben Essays zur empirischen Evidenz" (Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences, Prof. Raffelhüschen), award winner Dr. Fabian Peters deals with the revenue of future church taxes. The estimates are of high practical relevance in terms of future planning and budgeting.
The Rudolf Haufe Award annually honors outstanding scientific achievements of particular practical relevance and is endowed with a total of 5,000 euros. The Haufe Group promotes practice-oriented science at the University of Freiburg and has been awarding the prize since 2002. It honors work in the field of economics or law related to tax and business law.
The FUTURE project (Freiburg University Education on Technology and Law) of the Institute for Business Law, Labor and Social Law (Dept. I: Business Law) of the Faculty of Law at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of digitalization for law. Three core courses teach basic skills in programming ("Coding for Lawyers"), an understanding of modern artificial intelligence techniques, and the requirements of current law for the development and use of legal tech.
The Haufe Group is a cooperation partner and supports the FUTURE project with 5,000 euros for two semesters and prizes for a programming competition in the amount of 700 euros. The challenge in this competition was to develop a tool in the Python programming language that would make Corona's everyday life easier for users. The task touched on the working reality of the Haufe Group, where it is "highly important to solve legally complex issues with intelligent software in such a way that users can call up the right information with legal certainty or are offered the appropriate solution to their problem directly," says Jürgen Thoman, Head of Editorial Department at the Haufe Group.
Of the 30 participants, three received awards for their program:
Jonathan Kau took first place with his software "Corona Center" - the program provides the applicable Corona key figures and regulations by entering the postal code. Carolin Rachor was awarded second place. Her program "Claro Caro" reliably prepares the current Corona key figures from various data sources for the state of Hesse. Erik Lauer's "Covibot" was awarded third prize. His chatbot provides legally compliant answers to simple queries in dialog form.